Get Involved with Island Beach State Park

Beachgrass Plantings


Fall Beachgrass Planting


We need ~200 volunteers to help us plant beachgrass in the park.

Planting beach grass helps to build the dunes which in turn, creates habitat, increases coastal resiliency to storms, and is a wonderful community building event.

All volunteers must register in advance.


Do you love our annual grass planting event? Want to get more involved? We need volunteer team leads to help coordinate the day of the event. Contact Stevie Thorsen if you are interested in helping out!

Special thanks to Wakefern Food Corporation for sponsoring this year's planting event!


Throughout the spring and fall the Friends of Island Beach State Park team up with many other organizations to plant dune grass in the park.

Why do we plant dune grass? Dune grass plays an important role in stabilizing the dunes during storms. Dunes are the primary defense against storms and the powerful ocean surge.

What can you do? Join us for a future planting! The next dune grass planting will be on December 1st.

Learn how to plant! Check out this informational video produced by Yonatan Gottlieb with assistance from Bianca Charbonneu.


The Friends of Island Beach thanks our sponsors for the 2022 events. Please support local these local businesses who support the park and the community: 

Here are photos from a recent dune grass planting. Many thanks to photographer and FOIBSP Board Member Ray Halgreen for sharing the images.

And, here is video from the same day (12/3/16). Thank you Gregory Coraggio!