Get Involved with Island Beach State Park

Donate to The Friends of IBSP

The Friends of Island Beach State Park could not operate without the generosity of our donors. Through countless volunteer hours and the selfless donation of your hard-earned money, we strive to continue to increase public appreciation and stewardship of Island Beach State Park! We achieve this by hosting fun and meaningful events that engaged a wide range of audiences, by restoring and maintaining natural areas and buildings within the Park, and by making much needed donations to the Park’s maintenance and nature programs.

This year, with the help of our generous members, volunteers, and donors, the Friends of IBSP:

  • Planted thousands beachgrass plants to help restore the dunes of Island Beach
  • Cleaned and maintained the scenic hiking trails traversing the barrier island
  • Hosted fun and meaningful events like Beach Plum Festival and Barktoberfest
  • Offered day of fun and surf for the autism community in partnership with POAC
  • Provided much needed supplies and support for the Park's Nature Program

Friends like you made this all possible. Would you consider including the Friends of Island Beach in your year-end giving plan? Your tax-deductible donation will help us:

    • Make upgrades to our beach and osprey cameras, used by thousands of viewers worldwide
    • Maintain and update Park structures
    • Continue to provide free programs and events like the Conservation Talks and Thursdays in the park
    • Organize restoration programs like National Trails Day and beachgrass plantings

Donate to the Friends of IBSP Today!

Or Drop it in the Mail

If you'd rather send your donation through regular mail, you can do by addressing your letter to:

The Friends of Island Beach State Park
P.O. Box 406
Seaside Park, NJ 08752